Thursday, October 3, 2013

5 Tips To Get More Time To Yourself

Do you ever feel like you don't have enough time in the day? Don't blame the 24 hour limit, instead try some new things to free up and de-stress your day! Check out "5 Tips To Get More Time To Yourself" below and find something to do with your new free time!

1. Take time for yourself to start each day.
I can't emphasize enough the importance of doing this to help reduce stress and burnout. You can't give away something you don’t have, so make sure you make time for you. Are you able to get up an hour earlier to devote time to you, undisturbed? Or find an hour each day, just for you? Even if it’s only half that, find whatever time you can somewhere in your day.
The hour I give myself each morning is my hour of power. It’s how I prepare and take on the day. Without it, my day is never the same. The days that I slip and decide not to take that time for myself are the days I feel less energized and motivated, and I’m usually less productive, too. I find that I don’t eat as well as I normally do, so everything is affected.
Whether you use it for exercise, a brisk walk, stretching, meditation or running affirmations through your mind is entirely up to you. Try one or several of these, or find something else that connects with you. Experiment with options until you discover a daily feel-good ritual that gives you the most benefit and enjoyment.
2. Establish a regular routine. 
This doesn't just things like going to bed and getting up at the same time, but also a work and lifestyle routine. When we have no structure or organization, we become distracted and procrastinate, and nothing really gets done. This is when anxiety and stress make themselves known. By attempting to maintain a balanced routine without becoming rigid, you'll find that you’re more at ease, have more time and experience an overall sense of peace and well-being.
3. Think about delegating. 
What are you able to let go of and hand over to someone else to do? No matter how hard we try, we really are unable to do everything ourselves without it affecting other areas of our life. It could be as simple as having your family do some of the household chores or buying your groceries online and having them delivered fresh to your door — especially if you don’t like traveling to and from the store, waiting in lines, finding a parking space and carrying heavy bags.
Delegation is a skill we need to learn not only at home — it’s a critical business skill that, when cultivated, allows for a healthy work-life balance. Even if you’re not comfortable delegating, try it and watch your personal life, business life and well-being all flourish.
4. Make a list or become aware of where you spend most of your time. 
Are you able to find an area where you could spend less time? If you’re in a position to do so, buy back your time and share your wealth: Pay someone else to do the things that take you away from your priorities.
5. Spend less time with consuming media. 
Are you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, or downloading the latest app at every possible chance? Are you constantly on Google searching the web? Are you able to turn your phone off for an hour a day, or turn it off at a certain time on particular days? Could you check your emails less? Could the television be turned off?
Whatever the solution is, find it and create a system that works for you. Without balance, your life will eventually spiral out of control.
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